Friday, September 2, 2011

Presently...Present Participles

YES! Praise the Lord for a husband who is willing (though it sometimes goes against his inner "Dave Ramsey") to make major purchases when necessary. :) We are now operating from a new laptop, and we also have a second vehicle...which has been great for getting us to places like our Monday homeschool group (a.k.a. "Classical Conversations"), and Chick-fil-A with our new friends.

We are getting packed to go to the beach today, and I didn't want to haul ALL my homeschool stuff with me. Technically, we are taking next week off, but I want to keep my kiddos reviewing a little since we'll jump back into "Week 2" of CC with our group the day after we get home. I decided to make a few "portable review tools" to take with us--they'll fit nicely inside a file folder--yes, and amen! :) When I was done making them, I thought it might be nice to share the "how-to's" with some of my fellow CC mamas. So, here goes:

Here's our "Present Participle" English Grammar memory work tool:

"A present participle..."

"...A present participle is a verb..." (if you continue to raise the flap, you'll see the tag with ING written on it) " ING..."

"A present participle is a verb, plus ING, used as an adjective..."

"A present participle is a verb, plus ING, used as an adjective or a verb!"

Got it?????? :)

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