Friday, September 2, 2011

Skip-Counting Memory Work Tool, Part 2

If you'd like to make one of these Skip-Counting Memory Tools, you should go back and start at the beginning, rather than jumping in from the start of this post. :)

So, here are the rest of the instructions:

Turn the page you've just created OVER, and use a glue stick to apply glue all along the two center ("unsnipped") sections of the paper.

Glue the original sheet of paper on top of a second blank page, matching up ends and corners, so that the centers are stuck together and the flaps, well, "flap." :) Turn the tool over so the numbered side is facing up.

Fold the numbered flaps inward toward the center crease, and decorate the backs of the flaps, and the now-empty spots where the flaps used to be, by placing a sticker in the blanks where each number should go.

When all of the flaps are folded IN, place a ruler on top of the folded-down edges along the center crease. You should now see a ruler sitting on top of what looks like a full sheet of paper with FOUR rows of SIX stickers.

To review with your kids, open all the flaps, and have them touch the numbers as they chant/speak/sing/count. Tuck in a flap or two, and have the kids try again, pointing to the stickers while saying the missing numbers that go in those places.
Keep folding in more flaps, until your kids can do all the counting correctly, with only the stickers showing.

Happy Homeschooling! :)

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